The Real Estate Agents Licensing Board of Fiji (REALB) is a corporate statutory body of the Fijian Government. REALB oversees the licensing of real estate agents, grant approvals to salespersons and branch managers and issues permits to undertake transactions in real estate.
The authorised and active Licensed members are those that have been approved by REALB.
The complete list is found in this section.
We are responsible for addressing complaints about the behaviour of agents and we run an independent, fair and efficient complaint process. When you lodge a complaint, our complaints handling process ensures that your issue is acknowledged, reviewed and resolved in a timely manner.

The Real Estate Agents Licensing Board (REALB) is responsible for the regulation of real estate agents in Fiji and for related matters.
REALB is a body corporate established under the Real Estate Agents Act 2006 and comes under the purview of the Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications.
REALB is guided by a Board that oversee the licensing of real estate agents, grant approvals to salespersons and branch managers and issue permits to undertake transactions in real estate.
We are responsible for addressing complaints about the behaviour of agents and we run an independent, fair and efficient complaint process. When you lodge a complaint, our complaints handling process ensures that your issue is acknowledged, reviewed and resolved in a timely manner.
However you should be aware that there are certain complaints we can’t consider. If we are unable to help with your complaint, we’ll explain why and refer you to the relevant body.
Please feel free to contact REALB or fill below online form to lodge a complaint.